Every day, I try to stay optimistic and productive, keep fundraising for Ukraine, keep spreading awareness, and keep fighting, but with each passing year, it’s becoming more and more difficult. I wish I could write something uplifting for today’s newsletter, but all I can do is channel my emotions into poems.
Imagine Imagine evil came to your home, and a black cloud of death covered the sun. You’re telling your frightened kids to stay silent and hide them in the basement. As enemy’s boots march to your door, and planes drop bombs from the sky, you whisper every prayer you know, and cover the mouths of your children with shaking hands. Shhh… When all you want is to scream at the top of your lungs in terror. Imagine evil came to your home, and you ask the world for help. Because this is the 21st century, for God’s sake, and you don’t want your kids to die from missiles, bullets, and rape. You see people, good, kind, educated people, saying they are against the war, and weapons, and you just need to surrender, and peace will come. But it doesn’t make sense, right? So you resist and fight as much as you can, and these people tell you how sorry they are for your suffering, and you only prolong your pain by resisting. You need to hug your enemy, because you are “brothers,” and why you are so hateful, you need to be forgiving. These “good people” don’t want you to spoil their privileged, empty lives by your living. Imagine, while you are being killed, you see people earning money and fame by twisting your words and using your pain, and walking on the bones of your dead friends, and siding with evil. People who have never been to your home, tell you that what you saw wasn’t true, and if it was, maybe you deserved it by provoking the enemy. Maybe you don’t know what’s going on at all, but they know what’s best for you. Let smart people speak and discuss your fate. Silly, what are you saying? We can’t understand it. You are too emotional. You have too much hate. Imagine, you are told that you are biased and cannot be objective about the enemy who wants to kill everyone you love. Imagine that. You see the world trading with evil, believing the words evil says and doubting every single word of you. Imagine people telling you that you are not good enough to receive the help you need, but they use very complicated words in foreign languages, hoping that you won’t understand that they are too afraid of this evil themselves, so they decided to sacrifice you. Imagine, you look around, and all you see are graves, thousands and thousands of graves: people you went to school with, people you lived close to, people you worked with, people you were friends with, people you love. Ukrainians don’t need to imagine. This is their life.
“Unbiased” They sit in safety across the ocean and say how bad all wars are. They juggle big words, but I see them juggling dead people’s heads. They think their privilege makes them unbiased while it blinds them and gives a false feeling of superiority. They write catchy headlines and pose as objective experts: “Resistance only prolongs the war,” “Peace talks, no weapons,” “All borders are abstract,” “Both sides are wrong.” I want to scream, but they won’t hear me, of course. They won’t hear the screams of tortured people, too. They don’t know the fear when you see armed men entering your home and killing everyone you know before killing you. All they hear is their voices echoing in the walls of the ivory towers. Telling them how good, smart, and objective they are. Making them feel good about themselves — and other privileged fools repeat their words and spread them far. Sometimes, I think if you X-ray their chests, you will see a dark, empty space where the hearts usually are.
Too late People who live in safe countries think that wars happen somewhere but never to them. They see destruction and bombings only on their screen. They are busy with their lives and don’t pay much attention to the world’s news. They take for granted the freedom they have and forget that it’s not free. They raise kids, plan for the future, and play in politics. They know they have power, weapons, and troops. They can’t even imagine that someone is going to invade. Until one day, missiles hit their roofs. Then, they will understand, but it will be too late.
This year is said to be the year of the dragon. It reminded me of the last verse of the poem I wrote in the spring of 2022, right after we found out about the Russian atrocities in Bucha, Irpin, and other towns and villages in the Kyiv region.
I want to be a big white bird that will shield all Ukrainian people and animals with her wings from the evil that Russian monsters brought to them. When everyone is safe under her feathers, the bird will turn into a dragon and will burn to death everyone who hurt them.
I hope this year, like the dragon from my poem, will bring long-overdue justice. Keep standing with Ukraine and being on the right side of history. Support Ukrainian fundraisers, write to your representatives, and demand weapons and support for Ukraine. Remember that the only way out is through, and it’s not through the appeasement of Russia.
Email: daryazorka@substack.com
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I would absolutely explode if I experienced the arrogance from "better knowing, non-biased" people, that you and many others who live through this do, that have close relations with Ukrainians or Belarusians.
I got a small taste of it over Xmas, when a family member spouted some russian propaganda and that russia was just a misunderstood country, unfairly hated on by people just because they'd never visited it and therefore couldn't know. I sort of kept my cool but had steam coming out of my ears for the next couple of days. I can only imagine that it's a fraction of what you must go through.
I don't know if Western politicians are afraid of disturbing the domestic "peace" and sense of normalcy in their citizens day-to-day-lives or if many are just ignorant, but at least I feel that I see more and more voices from politicians and experts online to wake the $£@%"#¤ up.
I've written almost every word here, over and over and over, wondering when I would have to stop writing them, wondering when I would have to stop living them. I told a friend not too long ago, one of the few I have left, that whoever I was before February 2022 doesn't exist anymore. They didn't understand. I can't blame them for that, but that doesn't change my reality, and the reality of so many others. I look back at my journal entries, and I have a day by day look at how that Person I Was Before was destroyed, and I don't yet know who That Person I Will Become is. How, in this world as it is now, is objectivity the goal? Objectivity kills. Yet here we are. I'm not sure where or when my hope went, but strangely, that hasn't stopped me from fighting even more. I won't stop, and I can't stop. I wrote to myself, over a year ago now, is it possible that hate comes from the same place as love? And for me, I think it does. And if love has place and a purpose in this world, then my hate has a purpose, too. And to continue, I will need both.
As always, thank you for writing, but more importantly, thank you for sharing. As I lose more and more every day, either to bombs or to indifference, your words keep me grounded and breathing.